Si Rose Signature for Women
Si Rose Signature for Women
Our Impression of Giorgio Armani - Si Rose Signature for Women
- Stock: In Stock
- Inspired by: Giorgio Armani
- Model: Designer for Women
- SKU: 21-284
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Our Impression of Si Rose Signature by Giorgio Armani
Si Rose Signature by Giorgio Armani is a Floral fragrance for women. Si Rose Signature was launched in 2016. The nose behind this fragrance is Julie Masse. The fragrance features rose de mai, damask rose, bergamot, mandarin orange, freesia, black currant, vanilla, osmanthus, iris, ambrette (musk mallow), amber and patchouli.
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Disclaimer: *Name trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective manufactures and/or designers. has no affiliation with the manufactures/designer. Our interpretation of these fragrances was created through chemical analysis and reproduction. The purpose of this description is to give the customer an idea of scent character, not to mislead or confuse the customer or infringe on the manufactures/designer's name and valuable trademark. We do not represent our products to be original nor do we represent that they are exact copies; therefore they do not violate any copy right laws. Any references to brand names are made strictly for comparison purposes only.